Initial Ideas and the major project:

As my continuation route is English Language I will be writing an article in the style of Wikihow article. I have started to look into some ideas of what I would like my article to be about. As I really like History, and it is something I am very passionate about it, I thought it would be a good idea to write the article on the History of the English Language. 

To gather some ideas I will do some research on first, the History of the English language. I will look at where it originated from and how it had developed over time. In addition to this I will be doing research on the important individuals who played an important role in the development of the language, these people will include William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens as they are both very important. 

I brain stormed some ideas on what I would like my article to be about. 


  1. Great that you made a start on your idea generation for your project.


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